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SVAP on Chemical Management

The Specialty Validated Assessment Program (SVAP) on Chemical Management is a program for assessing and improving factories’ chemical safety management practices to ensure conformity with industry standards.

Companies operating in international supply chains face increasing regulatory requirements and stakeholder expectations for advanced due diligence in chemical management. The global demand for process chemicals and chemical-intensive products continues to experience rapid growth across many sectors. Evaluating companies’ chemical management practices to prevent or mitigate the associated negative impacts on human health and the environment requires specialized knowledge and attention to the related industry standards.

The RBA has worked with subject matter experts from stakeholders, independent third-party audit firms, and members to develop the SVAP on Chemical Management to be a world-class evaluation program for chemical management due diligence. Whether your company is looking to evolve its existing chemical management program or is just getting started, this SVAP can accelerate your due diligence efforts in the sound management of chemicals.

What is the SVAP on Chemical Management?
The SVAP on Chemical Management is an assessment process used to evaluate and address chemical safety risks, including hazardous occupational exposures and chemical emergencies. SVAP audits are conducted by independent, third-party specialized audit firms that have unique expertise in industrial hygiene and occupational safety. The elements of this SVAP were carefully developed by the RBA with input from stakeholders, members, and third-party subject matter experts to create a specialized assessment program. The program's scope focuses on RBA Code of Conduct provisions related to chemical management to provide better evaluation of facilities’ chemical safety risks.

The SVAP on Chemical Management isn't designed to expand upon RBA Code of Conduct requirements, but it provides a deeper dive on these provisions through additional complementary criteria that more acutely assess occupational safety, industrial hygiene, emergency preparedness, hazard communication, and the management of hazardous substances.

Companies that are interested in an SVAP on Chemical Management can contact SVAP@responsiblebusiness.org. The RBA’s Assessment Program Manager (APM) will work with you to gather information for pricing and scope, determine an acceptable schedule, and provide additional process information.

For more information on the SVAP on Chemical Management, please view our overview here.

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